Darroch and Michael Putnam with their new book

What are Putnam & Putnam up to in 2019?

It might be cold outside, but NYC's leading floral designers are ready for a blooming marvellous New Year

Mid-winter isn’t the busiest period in the flower world, yet Darroch and Michael Putnam, a.k.a. Putnam & Putnam, New York City’s foremost floral designers, are in full bloom.

In 2018 they were the go-to guys for Grace Coddington, Martha Stewart and Gwyneth Paltrow (the GOOP CEO had the guys for her wedding). Putnam & Putnam also flew around the world, sharing their floral skills and insight with workshop participants across the globe, and they also distilled much of their knowledge into their Flower Colour Guide (or Flower Color Guide, if you’re more used to US English), an overview of different types of blooms, organized according to colour.

Read on to discover what the pair have planned for 2019, and how 2018 was for them.


A spread from Flower Color Guide
A spread from Flower Color Guide

What inspired you most in 2018?  Travel! We have been around the globe teaching and exploring. Nothing gives us more inspiration than new places.  

What annoyed you most in 2018?  US Politics. Enough said.  

What was your personal highlight of 2018?  Our 14-page editorial in the April edition of American Vogue. We created flower fields and surreal sets. Incredible! 

What can we expect from you in 2019?  More adventures, bigger and grander florals of course!

Who did you give your Phaidon book to for Xmas?  Everyone got a copy! It is our true pride and joy, we are beyond happy to share it with all our friends and family. 


Flower Color Guide
Flower Color Guide

Want to share the floral joy too? Then order a copy of Putnam & Putnam’s Flower Color Guide  here. It’s also available as The Flower Colour Guide


A spread from Flower Color Guide
A spread from Flower Color Guide
